Tuesday, March 04, 2008

New T-Shirt Design

El Gato Negro - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever I submitted this design to threadless.com -- Hopefully it will be up for vote very soon! If you hate it, you can give it a crappy vote and hurt my ego.


jojo said...

i luv it.. i just hope it comes in my size...xxs.

nice illustration!!

Joseph Lee said...

Me too! Great job!

Albert said...

What's up with the 1.9out of 5? Does it make it to print? It's a cool design... who's voting on this stuff?

Robert Goodin said...

You did much, much better than me, Kip. Nice design. There are some other t-shirt places like Threadless that may be worth trying. Check out Bountee.com and designbyhumans.com.